

  Yoga Classes in Delhi The term “Yoga” has been originated from the Sanskrit word “yog”. Yoga was practiced and originated in ancient India.                                Yoga is a set of exercises that includes spiritual, mental, and physical practice along with breathing techniques and meditation. Regular yoga practice has many health benefits such as: improving flexibility, strength, balance, heart health and reducing stress, depression, anxiety, and treating insomnia. Yoga is now practiced all around the world. While doing yoga, we need to give special attention to our breathing. Types of Yoga - Bhujangasana Trikonasana Shavasana Tadasana Balasana Navasana Dhanurasana Adho Mukha Svasana Uttanasana Vrikshasana Paschimottanasana Ustrasana Salabhasana Gomukhasana Sirsasana Baddha Konasana Matsyasana Utkatasana Lotus position Garudasana Ardha Chandrasana Bakasana Sukhasana Bridge Pose Yoga can be practiced at home. There are several free youtube videos available where one can learn y